Practical Work

Our group offers:

  • Advanced practical courses   (*Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum*)
  • Bachelor thesis   (*Bachelorarbeit*)
  • Master thesis   (*Masterarbeit*)

If you are interested in an advanced practical or a bachelor's/master's thesis at our chair, just contact Leon Radeck with your transcript of records (for master's inquiries please for both bachelor's and master's) and a short description of your relevant knowledge (especially with regards to programming and any machine learning experience you might have). Please also include the timeframe in which you wish to work on the project.
Please note: Unfortunately. we do not have any capacity for Bachelor or Master theses as well as Practicals in the foreseeable future.


You find a small selection of completed work on this page. A complete list of practical work supported by our working group is available in the archive.

Contact | Travel Info


CrowdRE'23: Keynote 'Reflections on Human Values in Crowd-based Requirements Engineering' held by Barbara Paech

REFSQ 2023: Keynote 'Explicit and Implicit Values in and of Requirements Engineering Practice and Research' held by Barbara Paech

Our paper 'Empirical Research Design for Software Architecture Decision Making: An Analysis' was selected for the JSS Happy Hour. You can watch it on YouTube

2020-2023 Barbara Paech member of DFG review board "software engineering and programing languages"

Anja Kleebaum et al. 'Continuous Design Decision Support'. Chapter published in 'Managed Software Evolution' (2019)