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Locations Winter Semester 2010/11

Monday July 18th - Wednesday July 20th 9am - 12 pm: lecture in INF 328 / Room SR 17a

The exercises are held 1pm - 4pm in OMZ, INF 350, room U011 (please take the side enterance and the stairs downwards).

Thursday July 21th is a free exercise day 9am - 4pm in OMZ, INF 350, room U011.

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CrowdRE'23: Keynote 'Reflections on Human Values in Crowd-based Requirements Engineering' held by Barbara Paech

REFSQ 2023: Keynote 'Explicit and Implicit Values in and of Requirements Engineering Practice and Research' held by Barbara Paech

Our paper 'Empirical Research Design for Software Architecture Decision Making: An Analysis' was selected for the JSS Happy Hour. You can watch it on YouTube

Anja Kleebaum et al. 'Continuous Design Decision Support'. Chapter published in 'Managed Software Evolution' (2019)