Locations Winter Semester 2010/11
Monday July 18th - Wednesday July 20th 9am - 12 pm: lecture in INF 328 / Room SR 17a
The exercises are held 1pm - 4pm in OMZ, INF 350, room U011 (please take the side enterance and the stairs downwards).
Thursday July 21th is a free exercise day 9am - 4pm in OMZ, INF 350, room U011.
First Day
- Slides for first days lectures:
Slides for First exercise: Version management, issue tracking, Build management
Example Diagram for status and roles in issue tracking
- Link to our Bugzilla system
- Subversion manual
- Bugzilla manual
- CMake tutorial, CMake documentation
Second Day
- Slides for second days lectures:
Slides for second exercise: CppUnit, Doxygen
- CppUnit documentation
- Doxygen manual, Quick Reference, 10 Minutes to document your code
Third Day
- Slides for third days lectures:
Slides for third exercise
- software carpentry (a whole online source, i.e. debugging)
- scmbug manual
- Eclipse
- Using Branches